From Gorky Park to Hyde Park
Across the world people are unerringly the same.
The place we live is just a place name.
It’s our ideologies that make us unalike.
Surely you can remember the Third Reich?
The world is full of people largely quite tame.
In Central Park or Gorky Park playing a human game.
We’ve been misguided, divided and now it's decided.
Every persuasion we hear is completely one-sided.
We want to jog, sunbath and while away the hours.
Maybe just stroll through the park looking at flowers.
But not have to navigate a maze for days, in a haze.
Some are ardent that your head you mustn’t raise.
We must suit the pattern they have formed for us.
We are compelled to comply, and not cause a fuss.
We’ve been told, cajoled and totally controlled.
If we resolve not to comply we’ll be out in the cold.
Maybe the time has come to reassert our stance.
Maybe perform our own position defining war dance.
Give them our memo, maybe shown through a demo.
That all we want is to share a photo and say hello.
Across the world people are unerringly the same.
The place we live is just a place name.
It’s our ideologies that make us unalike.
Surely you can remember the Third Reich?