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Kids and Food
Kids and Food

I like baked beans but hate my greens.
I love coke but despise an artichoke.
There’s nothing down for sauerkraut or trout.
For that matter not even a brussels sprout.
I adore macaroni but hate minestrone.
I won’t eat bread even with sandwich spread.
I’ll eat a chicken leg but no way an egg.
I’ll possibly eat rice but nothing with spice.
Obviously, a Milky Way is better than a crème brûlée.
I’d choose BBQ chicken wings over onion rings.
Of course, a chocolate éclair instead of a pear.
Toffee instead of coffee and a waffle rather than offal.
For sure I’ll eat custard rather than mustard.
I’ll have a margarita pizza over chicken fajita.
Also, a nacho in place of a bowl of gazpacho.
Undoubtedly a panini rather than tortellini.
I’d eat a sweet rather than anything with wheat.
It’s got to be Doritos instead of burritos.
I much prefer a milk shake to a rare steak.
Of course, it’s ravioli rather than guacamole.
Clearly, jam on toast instead of a Sunday roast.
But please, please nothing with peas or cheese.

Eric Craven | 2025


Website designed by Andy Craven

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