March 2025
There will be an exhibition of Eric's poems at The Floral Pavilion Theatre in New Brighton starting on Wednesday 26th March 2025.
Out Now
Eric and his friend Sue Farley have made a CD
of songs and poems, all about nostalgia.
It's called... Remember When
Contact Eric for a copy... ericscraven@me.com
I can see through the window, I can see the sea so blue.
Actually, I can see for miles, and I can see through you.
None of Eric's poems on this website
are in his poetry book.
Some have been aired in public however,
on BBC Radio and live at a local folk club.
Poems will be added regularly so please
keep checking or sign up for
notifications of new poems.

"I love Eric's poems. They give such a wonderful insight into what makes us individual. Our quirks and our foibles. What makes each and every one of us unique. I particularly love how Eric's personality comes across in each poem, his fascination with people, different cultures and with how we all fit together to make the world work."
Michael Nelson from the band Banners (they've had over two billion music streams!)
"You can't help but experience colourful images, rich pictures and humorous memories on reading the poems Eric has written in ‘Love, Hurt and Whimsy’. The book takes you from belly laughter to poignant reflection, all made possible through Eric's insightful, comical and reflective way of capturing often ordinary events and turning them into characterful takes on life. The playful use of language in the poems gives them Eric's unique style and makes for entertaining and thought provoking reading throughout."
Jamie Campbell, Headteacher
I first heard Eric Craven reading his poems on Radio Merseyside in the summer of 2021. One poem that caught my attention was Pegasus Bridge as it described vividly the actions of British troops trying to secure an important access point during the D Day Landings. The three-lined verses provided a punchy direct tone and conveyed the sense of courage on both sides of the fight. I was delighted to see this poem included in Eric’s new anthology ‘Love, hurt and whimsy’. The 40 or so poems are neatly collated so that the reader can either trawl through the book or go directly to a poem for a particular mood. I prefer the whimsical collection with ‘Undies’ and ‘My Dyslexic Willy’ particular favourites. Rarely do poems make me laugh out loud but these did with their subtle sexual references and their lack of crudeness. The Sailor and Climber is a beautifully constructed poem that explains the love that can flow from contrasting jobs connected through a passion for life and nature. It is one of the few poems with a repeating verse. The non-romantic love a pupil has for a brilliant teacher is well described in My Memorable Teacher. Here the poet explains that gaining knowledge is often not the reason why a teacher remains memorable. They are the ones 'that were most helpful, loving and kind'. The anthology runs to less than 100 pages and easily slides into a
bag or can sit neatly on a bedside table. It’s a companion for when you need a fillip
or just a quick read. I’m not on commission but it would be a great birthday gift
for someone you love and hold dear.
Frank Norris MBE. FCCT, Education and Skills Adviser to Northern Powerhouse Partnership
I am the organiser of the Hungry Horse Folk Music and Poetry Club located on Wirral, Merseyside and am pleased to think that as a group we have played a small part in stimulating the author to create this excellent short book of poetry. Eric Craven is a regular visitor to the club which provides an excellent platform for poets to perform
and display their written word and identify their particular observations on life.
The poems explore in plain and simple language positive, negative and humorous word pictures. Eric’s background as a headmaster and Ofsted Inspector shines through in a number of poems. For example - in the poem - “My memorable teacher” - Quote: “Teachers who made an impression on me remain clearly in my mind. They were the most helpful, loving and kind.” I found myself saying ‘Yes I agree wholeheartedly’.
In the section entitled - ‘Hurt’ - The poem - “The world is falling apart” will also have
you agreeing as you read lines such as verse two - “No face-to-face appointments with the doctor; ambulances are queuing outside A & E; The climate is rapidly changing for the worse; sewage flowing into our rivers is worrying me”.
After reading and re-reading this publication, I found myself agreeing with much of the content, and during the ‘Whimsy’ section I smiled and laughed - often.
This book is a delightful read, written by a very intelligent man. It made me reflect
on how joyous, sad and humorous life can be. It is essential reading and
I strongly recommend this book to your perusal.
John Owen, Organiser of The Hungry Horse Folk Music and Poetry Club
Love, Hurt and Whimsy... There are many different types of love and several of them
are explored in the first section of this book. Romantic love goes without saying,
but also love of humanity and the Earth. Eric acknowledges the influence of
Adrian Henry in the introduction to Because of You, but his work is full of
wry observations and witty wordplay which make it redolent of the other
Mersey Poets, placing him firmly in that Liverpool literary canon.
Swim with dolphins
Fly like the birds
Slide down bannisters
And skip upstairs
….he advises his newlywed niece in the playful and affectionate
piece of nuptial advice: The Sailor and The Climber.
In Poetry he tells us :
Poetry is not about timing
It’s not at all about rhyming.
and this does epitomise his writing style, which is not to say he is averse to using traditional verse forms, either but sometimes he throws out formal rules and
engages his own quirky metre, as in his visual poem Between Bells.
He explores loss, cruelty and the lack of love in the Hurt section. We are introduced
to the Poor Kid whose mother prioritises a tattoo appointment over collecting
her sick child from school and Another Poor Kid who suffers from financial poverty. Contemporary issues like Ofsted Inspections and The Cost of Social Media are all
grist to his mill but Eric is gifted with a quirky imagination which is given full flight
in The Dinner Party and the hilarious A Man In the Pub Said… So many poems,
so much humour and yet the big issue facing us all is tackled in My Own Eulogy
and The Things I’ll Miss which make him a poet for his generation.
His memorable teacher, we are told in the poem of that name, was helpful, loving
and kind, which is significant because kindness and compassion are threads running through all three sections of this book. The final line of Poem for Graduates actually
took my breath away but I will leave you to savour that when you read it yourself.
Gerry Ffrench, Folk Singer and Song Writer
Eric gives us a delightful collection of poems covering the breadth and complexity of life, delivered with a generous helping of Merseyside wit. Some will make you chuckle; some will tug at your heart; many will make you think. A brilliant demonstration of how you can still say so much in a concise, inventive and charming way.
Andre Baird, former Headteacher

Many thanks to the musicians who played at the book launch - Roy Green and Pete Hulse (Can't Remember), John and Angie Owen and Sue Farley (Vocal Point), Phil Chisnall, and Gerry Ffrench. Thanks also to my merchandise manager, Walter Hubbard, and my door staff, Reuben and William Stones (the last three are all my grandsons).

Go to the Store tab to see what items are for sale, including this CD
I have just bought a copy of Eric's CD 'Poemosophy' and listened to all 40 poems in one session - a thoroughly enjoyable 'listen'. I anticipate that the book will also be a "must read" so I'll be deleting socks and slippers from my Christmas list and asking for a copy of 'Love, Hurt and Whimsy'. I would encourage everyone to do the same - a great opportunity to support local talent. Joe F.

Please feel free to send me a few of your own poems. I promise to consider including
some of them on the Guest Poems page.
Please include a sentences about
yourself along with your poem.
You can sign up to receive news
of the latest poems without
submitting a poem of your own.
It costs nothing.